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Engelska till Svenska
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icon of Big Ben, books and a globe

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Synonymer till sparkling


  1. (shining with brilliant points of light like stars) sparkling
  2. (used of wines and waters; charged naturally or artificially with carbon dioxide) effervescent; sparkling


  1. (a rapid change in brightness; a brief spark or flash) twinkle; scintillation; sparkling


  1. (reflect brightly) sparkle; scintillate; coruscate; sparkling
  2. (be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity) sparkle; scintillate; coruscate; sparkling
  3. (emit or produce sparks) spark; sparkle; sparkling
  4. (become bubbly or frothy or foaming) foam; froth; fizz; effervesce; sparkle; form bubbles; sparkling