commoner - Översättning till svenska
Synonymer till commoner
- (belonging to or participated in by a community as a whole; public) common; commoner
- (having no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual) common; commoner
- (common to or shared by two or more parties) common; mutual; commoner
- (commonly encountered) "a common (or familiar) common; usual; commoner
- (being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language) common; vernacular; vulgar; commoner
- (of or associated with the great masses of people) common; plebeian; vulgar; unwashed; commoner
- (of low or inferior quality or value) coarse; common; commoner
- (lacking refinement or cultivation or taste) coarse; common; rough-cut; uncouth; vulgar; commoner
- (to be expected; standard) common; commoner
- (a person who holds no title) common man; common person; commoner