plasma - Översättning till svenska
Det här innehållet kommer från vår lilla engelska ordbok. Det bygger på olika källor och har inte uppdaterats på många år. Premiummedlemmar har tillgång till vårt stora, uppdaterade engelska lexikon.
- (anatomy) plasma;
Synonymer till plasma
- (the colorless watery fluid of the blood and lymph that contains no cells, but in which the blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes) are suspended) plasm; blood plasma; plasma
- (a green slightly translucent variety of chalcedony used as a gemstone) plasma
- ((physical chemistry) a fourth state of matter distinct from solid or liquid or gas and present in stars and fusion reactors; a gas becomes a plasma when it is heated until the atoms lose all their electrons, leaving a highly electrified collection of nucl) plasma