gypsy - Översättning till svenska
Det här innehållet kommer från vår lilla engelska ordbok. Det bygger på olika källor och har inte uppdaterats på många år. Premiummedlemmar har tillgång till vårt stora, uppdaterade engelska lexikon.
- (man) zigenare;
- (woman) zigenerska;
- (man) zigenare;
Synonymer till gypsy
- (a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment) itinerant; gipsy; gypsy
- (a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in northern India but now are living on all continents (but mostly in Europe, North Africa, ) Gipsy; Romany; Rommany; Romani; Roma; Bohemian; gypsy
- (a person who resembles a Gypsy in leading an unconventional, nomadic way of life) gipsy; gypsy
- (the Indic language of the Gypsies) Romany; gypsy