Engelska till Svenska
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Engelska till Svenska
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icon of Big Ben, books and a globe

Premiumanvändare har tillgång till vår nya, stora engelska ordbok

cross - Översättning till svenska

Det här innehållet kommer från vår lilla engelska ordbok. Det bygger på olika källor och har inte uppdaterats på många år. Premiummedlemmar har tillgång till vårt stora, uppdaterade engelska lexikon.


  1. (general) kors;
  2. (taste) blandning;
  3. (biology) korsning;
  4. (religion) kors; krucifix;


  1. (roads) korsas;
  2. (aviation) flyga över;
  3. (line) korsa;
  4. (border) korsa; gå över;
  5. (travel) korsa; gå över; gå tvärs över;
  6. (animals) korsa;
  7. (botany) korsa;

Synonymer till cross


  1. (extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis) transverse; transversal; thwartwise; cross
  2. (annoyed and irritable) crabbed; crabby; fussy; grouchy; grumpy; bad-tempered; ill-tempered; cross


  1. (a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece) cross
  2. (a marking that consists of lines that cross each other) crisscross; mark; cross
  3. (a representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry) cross
  4. (any affliction that causes great suffering) crown of thorns; cross
  5. ((genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species) hybrid; crossbreed; cross
  6. ((genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids) hybridization; hybridisation; crossbreeding; crossing; interbreeding; hybridizing; cross


  1. (travel across or pass over) traverse; track; cover; pass over; get over; get across; cut through; cut across; cross
  2. (meet at a point) intersect; cross
  3. (hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of) thwart; queer; spoil; scotch; foil; frustrate; baffle; bilk; cross
  4. (fold so as to resemble a cross) cross
  5. (to cover or extend over an area or time period) traverse; span; sweep; cross
  6. (meet and pass) cross
  7. (trace a line through or across) cross
  8. (breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties) crossbreed; hybridize; hybridise; interbreed; cross