shade - Översättning till svenska
Det här innehållet kommer från vår lilla engelska ordbok. Det bygger på olika källor och har inte uppdaterats på många år. Premiummedlemmar har tillgång till vårt stora, uppdaterade engelska lexikon.
- (shadow) överskugga;
- (sun) skugga;
Synonymer till shade
- (relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body) shadiness; shadowiness; shade
- (a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color) tint; tincture; tone; shade
- (protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight) shade
- (a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude) nuance; nicety; subtlety; refinement; shade
- (a position of relative inferiority) shade
- (a slight amount or degree of difference) tad; shade
- (a mental representation of some haunting experience) ghost; spook; wraith; specter; spectre; shade
- (a representation of the effect of shadows in a picture or drawing (as by shading or darker pigment)) shade
- (a protective ornamental covering for a lamp, used to screen a light bulb from direct view) lampshade; lamp shade; shade